Lady Violette's Fleurific Neckpiece/Tie-on Scarf
My Lady Violette Neckpiece is actually a little scarf made of scrap yarn – albeit, very elegant scrap yarn! And scrap ribbon! I used about 10 different kinds of yarns from mohair through shetland wool to novelty yarns, tweeds, smooth, fluffy, sleek, and some bias tape ribbon sort of stuff which is what you see in the grayish sheer lavender bows. I had lots of little odds and ends left over from larger projects or single balls of yarn I had collected in my personal color way.
I began with all my yarns in a basket and a pair of straight 10 ” long size 10 US wooden knitting needles. That’s it! I have found that the yarn looks and knits differently on wooden versus metal or plastic needles and I far prefer the look of knitting done on wooden ones. I have made swatches, even entire gloves on different types of needles using the same yarn in order to compare the end results. If you have a choice, use wood. In my opinion it makes a more beautiful stitch.
I didn’t knit any swatches. You don’t need to! You can just jump in and make this. It took me less than two hours. I made it while a friend was reading a draft of his novel to me. Which just goes to show that you do not have to concentrate too hard on this knitting project either! No counting of stitches or rows is necessary, nor do you have to follow any patterns or chart! Isn’t this easy? This is a simple little knitting project that you can do quite quickly for pure enjoyment with no frustrating side issues!
Finished scarf should be about 5 – 6 inches wide. The length can be whatever you want. I put it around my neck crossing the ends over each other and stopped knitting when I felt it was long enough. At that point I cast off. Then I inserted the ribbon through a few knit stitches on each edge where I wanted to tie the scarf together to hold it around my neck. I tied the dangling ends into little bows and trimmed them to the lengths I decided looked nice. Et Voila! C’est fini!
To start knitting: cast on enough stitches to make a 5 – 6 inch wide finished piece. I worked at an estimated gauge of about 3.5 stitches per inch. I combined yarns of various thicknesses as I went along, maintaining the feeling of the gauge between my fingers. Thus, I begin with a mohair and a tweed held together, knit a couple of inches, then added in a different thin yarn, knit a couple of rows, removed one of the yarns I had been knitting with and started with another thicker, bolder one. When I added a yarn I did not weave in or cut off the yarn tails. I left them for incorporation into the design at the end as little ties or dangling tassels. Some yarn ends I tied into yarn string bows.
I tied the over lapped ends in place permanently so there is no fiddling with the positioning of the neckpiece when you put it on. You just pull it over you head and arrange it into your desired wearing position. It will stay in place, never slip or fall off because it is, essentially a collar or cowl neck ring, not a rectangular scarf. It is like a lovely, cozy, soft, knitted necklace around your neck! It is there to envelope you softly and keep you warm and make you beautiful with it’s flattering flower colors.
Choice of yarns: be sure they are soft, non-scratchy or non-itchy types. I cannot tolerate any irritating yarns around my neck. I know, from experience that children will discard itchy hand knits! And adults will make every excuse not to wear them! Of course yours can be any colors you want to use.
I cannot advise you how much to knit up in any one yarn. You have to be the judge of that as you see your handiwork unfurling before you! That is a nice thing about this little project! It will be very personalized because you will be using your own yarn choices and your own unique judgement as to color and textural combinations. I only used knit and pearl stitches, but you could use pattern stitches or combinations if you want to try it. Anything goes! Because this is Making Art!
My finished Lady Violette Fleurific Neckpiece Tie-on Scarf, can be worn over many things. I wear mine over a long sleeved jewel-necked Michael Stars t-shirt or a very plain thin knit rose-colored sweater. I can wear it atop my hand knitted striped poncho for a really dramatic combination which is also extremely warm. It also works for me over a long deep purple wool coat, or over the top of a turtle neck sweater. It is very lightweight and soft so it s an ideal and extra beautiful top layer. A nice final icing to the cake in winter!