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Lady Violette

The Romantic Lifestyle

Posts Tagged ‘Wild Violets’

One of Lady Violette’s Favorite Violet Quotes from William Shakespeare

Saturday, May 7th, 2011

Wild Blue Violets Growing in the Grass ~ for the King & Me!

I think the king is but a man, as I am: the violet smells to him as it doth to me.

~ William Shakespeare ~ Henry V IV.I.98 ~


One of Lady Violette’s Favorite Violet Quotes From William Wordsworth

Thursday, April 28th, 2011

Wild Blue Violet Growing in the woods

A violet by a mossy stone half hidden from the eye!

Fair as a star, when only one is shining in the sky!

~ William Wordsworth~


One of Lady Violette’s Favorite Violet Quotes from Alice Dunbar Moore Nelson

Wednesday, April 27th, 2011

Wild Violets Blooming in the Woods

And now unwittingly you’ve made me dream

Of violets, and my souls forgotten gleam.

~ Alice Dunbar Moore Nelson ~


One of Lady Violette’s Favorite Violet Quotes from H.D. (Hilda Dolittle)

Monday, April 25th, 2011

"Ah, could they know how violets throw strange fire, red, and purple and gold, how they glow gold and purple and red." H.D. (Hilda Dolittle)

Ah, could they know how violets throw strange fire,

red and purple and gold, how they glow gold and purple and red

~ H.D. (Hilda Dolittle) ~
