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Lady Violette

The Romantic Lifestyle

Posts Tagged ‘Violet Flowers’

Violet, Violet Leaf & Ionones in Perfumes

Friday, April 6th, 2012

Violets, Violet Leaves and Ionones Used in Making Perfumes

Flowers are blooming as spring is finally coming and I have the loveliest little violets blooming in my garden.

I always want  to enjoy them all year long so search for perfumes that feature them. Here is a good description of violets used in the making of perfumes and how they work that I thought might interest people who love violets. The Perfume Shrine blog explains their use in Perfumery Materials: Violets, Violet Leaf & Ionones,

I was very lucky to find a vintage bottle of Caron’s Fleurs de Rocailles yesterday – from France in the 1960s and still good. The original formulation in a rare lovely glass bottle with stopper. I am happy! How I love vintage shopping! I admit it! And I will give you a tip, the vintage perfumes are often better than the newer versions. It is quite possible to find old ones in the original pretty bottles with still perfect contents. I have been doing it for years and have amassed quite a good collection at very reasonable prices, too.

You can find them at estate sales, thrift shops, and antique malls. People who don’t really like the scent or enjoy perfume, or are allergic to it, will sell them for a fraction of the price in perfume shops or department stores. The trick is, to keep your eyes open and your nose alert!Find a seller who hated his grandmother’s or mother’s perfume! And doesn’t appreciate the pretty little glass bottles!

You can always test the perfumes in stores to find out which ones you like. I have no trouble remembering the scents and how they are supposed to smell so I can easily tell if a vintage perfume is still good. You can learn to do this through experience. Good luck! As the weather improves yard sales will begin as well and bring more opportunities to find great perfumes at great prices…


One of Lady Violette’s Favorite Violet Quotes from William Shakespeare

Saturday, May 7th, 2011

Wild Blue Violets Growing in the Grass ~ for the King & Me!

I think the king is but a man, as I am: the violet smells to him as it doth to me.

~ William Shakespeare ~ Henry V IV.I.98 ~


One of Lady Violette’s Favorite Violet Quotes From William Wordsworth

Thursday, April 28th, 2011

Wild Blue Violet Growing in the woods

A violet by a mossy stone half hidden from the eye!

Fair as a star, when only one is shining in the sky!

~ William Wordsworth~


One of Lady Violette’s Favorite Violet Quotes from Alice Dunbar Moore Nelson

Wednesday, April 27th, 2011

Wild Violets Blooming in the Woods

And now unwittingly you’ve made me dream

Of violets, and my souls forgotten gleam.

~ Alice Dunbar Moore Nelson ~


Incredible Violet Cakes – Inspiring Floral Baked Goods From the Heavenly Violet Bakery in London!

Wednesday, April 20th, 2011

Candied Violet Cupcake from Violet Bakery in London

Searching online for a sugared violet topped cupcake recipe this morning I came across this review of a bakery from Eat Family Styles which has me positively intrigued! Starting with:”a brief interlude of cupcake glorification: violet cupcakes at Broadway Market are lovely bites of heaven.” Look at the photo from their review of the Violet Bakery stall below! OMG!

Of course I read this and I wanted to go to heaven immediately! They make elderflower cupcakes, and rhubarb rose water cupcakes as well as violet. I honestly almost want to die and go to edible flower cupcake heaven! I am half way across the world from this place right now but it has me totally intrigued!

Delights From the Violet Bakery

I would love to visit this bakery in London called, simply, Violet. These are all organic. No recipe, but loads of inspiration for doing it right! The names of their flavors alone are fulfilling! Such names as French Apricot, English Raspberry, English Strawberry, Elderflower, Rhubarb and Rose Water.

My yard is full, literally of blooming violets. They are growing in the grass as well as the flower beds which I love about them! I would rather have violets that release their delicate perfume underfoot when walked upon than grass any day! But I am Lady Violette de Courcy, lover of violets, and violets are my personal flower.

Inspiring Array of Heavenly Cakes From Violet

Having reminded you of that, I decided to look up making candied violets out of some of the flowers I have blooming in my yard. I am thinking about making some violet topped cupcakes for an upcoming birthday.

I know other people do not always find flowers growing in their grass as charming as I do! I love Queen Anne Daisies growing in grass as well. So I tried to buy grass seed that had them mixed in or the tiny pink and white daisy seeds that I could mix with grass seed and discovered that it s illegal to plant them in WA state where I live! They still pop up now and then in the grass in parks but people hate them so that they have banned them by law! This is crazy! Don’t you think? Outlawing beauty anywhere should be against the law!

I am thoroughly and fully inspired and I will continue my search for a recipe tomorrow! I’ll keep you posted.
