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Lady Violette

The Romantic Lifestyle

Posts Tagged ‘Making Doll Clothes’

Scarf Styling in a Pinch. It Works for All Sizes! How About Making a Sarong into an Instant Dress When You Need a Dress Immediately for Yourself or for Your Doll…

Wednesday, April 6th, 2011

Lisa in Her White Sarong at an LA Art Gallery

You Just never know what challenges life will throw you do you? When shopping in thrift stores I always check out the toys in case I find some wonderful toy that has been abandoned and is appropriate for a 4 year old boy and or a 3 year old girl. I have found a lot of really nice things.

Recently I found Lisa. She is a genuine Madame Alexander My Favorite Friend doll. She is an 18″ doll similar to the American Girl Dolls. She had no name and no clothes! Other than that she was in like new condition. She has pretty long blond hair that you can comb and style and it won’t fall out. She cost only $1.

We instantly named her Lisa. It suits her. And we were going out to lunch. She had to come, of course. But what about the no clothes problem? Not a problem! If you know how to tie a scarf! I carried her into the restaurant wrapped into my coat so people wouldn’t notice she was naked.

Napkin Dress, Gourd Purse, Seed Jewelry

We were given a table and we immediately spread out a cloth napkin on the seat of the booth, like you do for changing babies! We lay Lisa down on the napkin, then took another napkin and folded and wrapped and tied it into a fashionable sarong dress for her. It worked perfectly!

One member of our party was wearing a few casual seed bracelets and we instantly made those into a belt and several doll size necklaces! Simply by putting them over Lisa’s little head. We had a keychain made from a small gourd which we took off the keys and appropriated for use as a purse! Then we combed out Lisa’a beautiful long blond hair.

She looked great! She was appropriately dressed in an elegant white sarong with a belt and necklaces and the latest style in a “designer” bag! She joined us at the table for lunch and several women came over to comment on how pretty she looked! We thanked them. And we said we were going to go shopping for shoes for her later.

Tres Chic ~ Who is the Designer?

We visited an artists house after lunch and Coco posed her.









I photographed her “in the gallery” looking at the art. We are posting some of the pictures so you can see how pretty and versatile a sarong dress can be! In a pinch you could make one out of a table cloth, a curtain or a sheet! Any large piece of cloth can be fashioned into a dress or a skirt. Lightweight ones drape, fold, wrap and pleat more easily than anything heavy would.


"Look at this Detail!"

Isn’t Lisa’s white linen sarong dress made out of a cloth napkin darling? I think she looks quite fashionable!





I have demonstrations of many ways to style, tie and wear scarves on my blog with complete how to instructions. Please scroll back through my postings to check these out. They were written and photographed for grown ups but, we realized we can easily tie them on dolls as well! They work for people of all sizes.



The Final Shot ~ What a Doll!

Behind the Scene ~ Getting Lisa Prepared for the Photo Shoot
