HER TRUNK RUNNETH OVER! ~ A Still Life Assemblage by La Marelle Featuring a Grandiose Selection of Her Coutured Vintage Designs: photograph by Mike Burnside
I have a talented friend named Marelle, an artist and designer, whom I want to introduce to my readers. La Marelle loves vintage fashions and accessories as much as I do! I met her on Etsy where we both have shops. Marelle finds previously owned, loved and gently used vintage purses, handbags, hats, shoes, jewelry and hair ornaments and waves her magic wand over them to couture them into new transformed pieces using the original old piece as a base or canvas, on which to create a unique new piece of fashionable wearable art. She describes what she does to a vintage item to recreate it as one of her own the process of couturing it.
Every item Marelle coutures is different and one of a kind. She has tremendous range and creates items inspired by sources as diverse and varied as the contemporary rebellious youthful street punk scene, to the elegant era of the court life at Versailles, or the refined Victorian period. She is inspired to new levels of interpretation by each vintage piece she finds. Her imagination seems boundless! She is also a painter.
This photo is of a still life composed (by Marelle herself, of course,) of her handbags, shoes, collars, gloves, compacts, photographs, jewelry, perfume bottles and other objects d’art pouring out of a transformed vintage trunk that has been appropriated for a display presentation of her work for the photographer Mike Burnside when he visited her recently in her in her old four bedroom Victorian house and studio where she both lives and works in a small town in northeast Pennsylvania. I like this photo because it reminds me of a pirate’s chest overflowing with choice vintage treasures!
Marelle’s work is so diverse and extensive – she currently has over 400 pieces listed for sale in her Etsy shop alone ~ that I have decided to introduce her in today’s post, with the beautiful still life photo shown above; and follow up with several additional posts that showcase and describe in depth more beautiful individual examples of her work. In this way I will be able to lead you through an extensive tour of La Marelle’s Gallery viewing and savoring one work of art at a time.
By the way, La Marelle means hopscotch in French, so Marelle named her shop on Etsy Hopscotch Couture. To visit her Etsy store and view the entire gallery go to: //www.etsy.com/shop/HopscotchCouture.
Marelle sells her work in her online Etsy shop above and also accepts private commissions. She can be contacted by email at lamarellegallery@aol.com or by telephone at (443) 825.6353.
Her work can also be seen on her website at LaMarelleGallery.com. There is a link on there that will take you directly to her Etsy store as well.
Read More about Marelle and her paintings and designs in this article from The Weekender at //www.theweekender.com/stories/Marelles-Hopscotch-Couture-One-of-a-kind-finds,61685
The photo for this post was taken by Mike Burnside from Burnside Photographic, Harvey’s Lake PA, www.burnsidephotographic.com
Be sure to return to my blog soon to see future posts featuring more pictures and descriptions of Marelle’s work.
Tags: Art & About, Feminine Arts, Friendship, Hats, Hopscotch Couture, Jwewly, La Marelle Gallery, Making Art, Photography, Shoes, Style, Vintage, Vintage Gloves, Vintage Handbags, Vintage Purses, Vintage Shoes, Vintage Styling