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Lady Violette

The Romantic Lifestyle

Are They Out of This Shoe World? Wild Shoes!!! by Kobi Levi Avant Garde Artist and Israeli Shoe Designer

September 15th, 2011 by violette

Here are some really interesting designs. Sent by a friend in Spain! Would you wear these? They are from avant garde Israeli artist and shoe designer Kobi Levi.

You are invited to comment on these interesting designs! Are they Art? Sculpture? Shoes? Shoes to wear or furniture to sit on? At least they make you think!

About shoes and why you wear them, love them or hate them! They are not my cup of tea!

I like my shoes to be elegant, beautiful, flattering and functional! I actually do not even like any of these! I would not add any of them to my eclectic shoe collection!

And I consider myself quite open minded when it comes to shoes. These just don’t appeal to me. I feel as if they mock the beauty of the foot and the wearer.

But I know that that is just my personal reaction. And someone else may just love them! What do you think?

At least they make people look. And think. And analyze their reactions to shoes and footwear and that is a good thing! So, as art, they are succeeding on some level!

I encourage you to leave comments on these shoes and on the other shoes I am posting. We need to get commentary and interaction going!

Please express your opinions and feelings about shoes! These shoes, modern shoes, vintage shoes, antique shoes. any shoes!

That will be interesting!

The captions are mine. The shoe photos came to me without titles.

Stepped on Bubble Gum!



Tropical Bird

His & Hers Combined Shoes

Plastic Laundry Basket Shoes?

Lady Gaga & Her Microphone

Is She Coming or Going?

He Calls This One Mother & Daughter!

Homage to the Rolling Stones!

Sling Shot

Lounge Chair?

Bottoms Up!

Little Old Lady Shopping Cart?

Bow Wow!


Banana Peel Shoes!


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