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Lady Violette

The Romantic Lifestyle

Christian Dior said, “I Have Designed Flower Women.” in describing his new look silhouette after World War II

March 12th, 2011 by violette

Christian Dior 1957 - Ultimate Elegance

On FLOWERS, in his dictionary of style, Christian Dior said,

“After women, flowers are the most lovely thing God has given the world.”

“But being so sweet and so charming they must be used with care. A flowered hat may be lovely or ridiculous. A flower in your buttonhole or in your belt or in your decollete may be extremely nice… but choose a variety of flower and a color to suit your personality. ”

“Flowered prints I think are wonerful…silk prints in beautiful colors are lovely for afternoon suits, dinner frocks, or cocktail dresses.”

“In brilliant colors, too, flowered prints can be gay for holiday clothes.”

“… flowers can bring a touch of color to a dark dress. A spray of purple pansies and yellow gold  mimosa can do wonders to light up a dark dress.”

Interestingly, many  years latter, we continue to feel the same way. I think it is because they cheer us up and it is such a natural thing to do ~ see a pretty flower, pick it and tuck in in our hair so we can be just as lovely and alluring as the flower itself!

Three year old Coco put flowers in her hair a few postings back. I pinned a flower on my own dress yesterday. Today we are contemplating hats with flowers in them. Spring is in the air and we all want to be fresh and new and colorful just like the flowers!

In fact, we want to be flowers!

// here is the Spring 2011 Dior show as designed by John Gallianos – in the midst of much controversy – still, it is artistically brilliant! And I suggest you check it out keeping that fact in mind.



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