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Lady Violette

The Romantic Lifestyle

I’m Knitting with Hand Dyed Noro Yarns My Latest Work in Progress

February 12th, 2011 by violette

Cardigan Under Construction Using Noro Hand Dyed Yarns

I’ve undertaken working with Noro’s beautiful hand colored yarns lately. It is challenging as no ball is alike, you must carefully match and juxtapose the sections of colored yarn if you choose to achieve balance and symmetry on both sides of a garment. In knitted garments I do.

I am all for asymmetry in many types of garments but I like symmetry in my hand knitting. This requires watching every line and row as you go and making judgement calls as to where to break or yarns and add new ones to continue in the same colors. My goal is a beautiful garment when finished.

I have sped through this one. It still has the following to be completed:  long sleeves and a button band and 12 tiny buttons and corresponding buttonholes coming down the front. And seams to be hand sewn with all the stripes matching. And, finally, blocking.

Knitting with Noro requires nerves of steel, patience and concentration, I am blogging about it in the hopes that that will instigate me to finish it sooner over later. Giving myself an audience should help me to see it through because I have an obligation to post the finished project for the readers to see. I guess we will find out soon enough if this theory works!

I’ve been working on this sweater for 2 weeks, off and on and hope to be able to finish it before the end of the month of February – that being the very longest I will allow myself. I set dates for myself to finish projects. I don’t like to put them away and drag them out months later. I love getting to the finishing line.

I will post some I have just finished tomorrow! For inspirational purposes – for myself as well as readers. I’ve meant to do it for a long time. It is good for me to photograph my finished projects. Then start wearing them. I love that part! And getting asked about them when I’m wearing them. It is so rewarding! This one is done from inspiration from a Noro Pattern in the hardcover book Knitting Noro.

I always seem to make so many changes that I am quite far away from the pattern I started to work on by the time I am finished. I just use it as a guideline essentially. Come back to see the finished garment in a couple of weeks!

I love the style of hand knits in the winter – both to make and to wear! And the warmth and the softness and the colors. The yarns are so beautiful and enjoyable. Knitting is yet another of the feminine arts that benefits one so much. It is very relaxing to do, very Zen in my opinion. I love it!


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