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Lady Violette

The Romantic Lifestyle

Where Have I Been? New Year’s Resolution 2012.

January 18th, 2012 by violette

Well, snowed under, actually! It is snowing in Seattle where I live and I am totally snowed in. The high hill leading up to my street and my street are closed off by the city due to snow and black ice conditions. It is beautiful though!

Otherwise, I have been very busy of late photographing my knitting designs and projects and posting all said to Ravelry – the knitting website. This is a huge job. I regret to say that it has taken me away from daily blogging but only temporarily. when I get it up the two will work well in tandem on a regular basis. It is a necessary step in what I am trying to do as an artist and designer.

So, what does this involve?

1) Joining Ravelry – you also have to join to look at the designer’s and knitter’s work ( but no money is involved.)

2) Photographing and listing and writing about all the knitting projects you have done and work you have in progress. (Big job for me as my stuff is complex.)

3) The worst part of the big job. Inventorying all your stash – this is your supplies such as yarns, threads, ribbons, needles, buttons – any items you would use in making knitted projects. I hate this part. I have entered them all into the system but I am now trying to take the photos of said and it is a drag. First of all I hate taking pics of plain old balls of yarn – uninspiring to me. I am having a hard time getting realistic color using natural lighting since the light in my area is so gray all year around. Nothing is looking realistic! The idea is that you can find what you have this way, also share it with others who might want to trade or buy supplies, then, when a project is done you can easily list the contents used in an item. This is OK if you use one yarn per item in a traditional way. but I use up to a hundred and I knit as if I am painting – no plan in advance. I just get going and take the next color when I feel like it and work it in.

Thus, I am not sure this complex time consuming organization is really going to work for me.

It would work for a yarn store or a knitter who used each type of yarn for a project. So there is a good aspect to it. I just don’t really like it for me. However, I am attempting to persevere. Right now I have every ball of yarn I own spread out in the kitchen to photograph and post. I did about 40 of them this morning, ran out of battery juice and honestly, am bored to death! I wan to be making things instead.

However, I will see it through!

I have also been diligently taking classes to learn to do techniques I am not familiar with – glove making, crochet, complex knitting techniques of your choice class. This I love, but there is a lot of homework! Knitting to be done between each class session. It is intense but I am learning a lot and I love this! I have also (on my own,) been designing and making hats for the first time ever.

My New Years Resolution for 2012 was to get up and going on Ravelry and get technically better at knitting by taking these courses which are not offered very often ( maybe 1x or 2x a year) so I have jumped in and am working really hard at it.

I know, I know, I must get back to my blog posts! and I will, I have lots to write about – I have just been really over extended! The classes require me to commute too so I have been on the road a lot! Another big time and energy eater. I am back now and will begin sharing some of my new projects soon! Please watch for them!





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