I am really happy because I just received a call from Princess WOW! saying she received the two dresses I custom designed and made for her to wear in her concert and they fit perfectly! And she loves them! This is wonderful news because I made them from a distance working only from measurements! Everything turned out perfectly! This is the first time I have done this solely from measurements without try on fittings with the actual client! It was a bit of a risk! We measured very carefully, everywhere. And discussed every detail over the phone and via emails. I was confident it would work, but now I know it did! Now I can relax!

Custom Design Dress for Princess Wow! The First in a Series of Performance Gowns by Lady Violette de Courcy
Tags: Fashion, Friendship, Making Art, Mindy Fradkin-Mousaa, Princess WOW!, Sewing, Textiles, Violette