Sweet Candied Violets & Lemon Poppyseed Cake Done in a Rose Shaped Cake Mold! A True Example of The Feminine Arts!
I have found this tutorial for crystallized violets which looks very complete! Complete with a pretty cake recipe decorated with the lovely little real flowers. The writer, Diane Levinson, on her blog 2 Stews suggests it for Mother’s Day which is a very good idea! I must read everything she has written on food as it looks fascinating! Another good discovery dug up when resourcing how to sugar violets. Plant hunting pays off! I include looking for ways to eat edible flowers and collecting recipes for cooking with them as a sub category of plant hunting!
Personally I don’t always like cakes covered with thick sugary frosting and this manner of decorating looks like a pretty tasty alternative. Lower in calories too! This is an old fashioned homemade looking cake which is also appealing in it’s way! It seems to go with the old fashioned flower itself. I’m going to try it! It looks like a sweet blend of the feminine arts of baking and flower preserving and decorating. It is baked in a rose shaped cake mold as well. That actually makes it a rose violet cake! Just adorable! Merci Diane for sharing your recipe, methods for preparing sugared violets and great photos! Sweet Candied Violets and Lemon Poppyseed Cake .
Diane has beautiful step by step instructions with photos illustrating the making of sugared violets. These were the best instructions I found on the web for making them! I recommend them. I have made them before and she does a very nice job showing the steps and the patience involved!
Her explanations are complete, detailed and beautifully photographed. Lady Violette de Courcy approves! I love good photographs! This little bouquet has me smelling the scent of violets in my office. It is very cold outside where I am, in Seattle, WA and this has cheered me up today! When I see violets blooming even though it is nearly freezing out I know that spring is in the air! There is hope! It will eventually get warmer!
Tags: Edible Flowers, Feminine Arts, Flowers, Recipes, Violets
Violette…I love all things violet, as well. Thanks for the posting, and it is almost violet season again here in the Northeast!!
Happy Spring!
As a child I picked violets as a Mother’s Day present for the lady I loved. When my Mother aged, I transplanted many of the wild violet plants from her garden to mine, a distance of about a 4 hour drive. As time allows some years I have candied them for culinary use. Just last might I made a point of doing so in order to put them on rehearsal dinner mini wedding caked for the wedding festivities of my only child’s special day next month. My mother has long passed, but having violets from her garden there will have me feel her presence in this way.
Katherine – That is a wonderful story – thanks so much for sharing it! Did you know that the violet’s meaning in the language of flowers is think of me? And remember me? And for the pansy it is thoughts, and the two flowers are closely related.
I hope the wedding rehearsal cake is lovely! I’m sure it will be with so much inspiration! I would love you to send a photo, or post one on your blog and let us know so we can view it! good luck!
Lady Violette