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Lady Violette

The Romantic Lifestyle

Sheltie Rescue Attempt

February 16th, 2011 by violette

Tri-Color Sheltie

Monday, I spent the entire day at an animal shelter attempting to adopt a seven year old Sheltie. I have been on the placement list hoping to get one for 5 years in 5 states! This is the first notice of availability I have received. I received it at 10PM on Sunday night. Another person got the same email. They got over there sooner than I did and put on a 24 hr hold. I called immediately, but had to go through the machinated answering systems and leave a message. I  arrived when the shelter opened the next day, to fill out papers and meet the dog. I loved him. He loved me. I took a friend with me who has a collie. She could see we were meant for each other. So could the people at the shelter. They all said so. This dog had chosen me. However, they have very strict rules. It is strictly first come, first served. I had to wait to find out what the other people decided. They had until 6PM. They showed up, at 5:57 PM to say they would take him. So I lost out! I was very disappointed! I really wanted this dog! I will continue trying to find one!

I have gotten an older dog in the past this way. He became a member of the family, like a child, we truly adored him. He died several years ago, and I am ready to acquire a new dog now. I actually want an older dog. This one was 7 years old and would have been perfect for me. Alas! I will keep trying. I do not give up on anything. Today I have already filled out several more Sheltie Rescue applications.

I am telling you about this, in case you know of a Sheltie who is available for adoption.

I am also writing about it so that you can understand that my commitment to rescuing, recycling, preserving and caring for used things runs so deep that I will even take on an older dog for the remainder of it’s life and befriend and care for it responsibly in a totally committed way. I would absolutely love to be doing that right now! My plan was to have him with me, while I write, at my feet, and take him out for a couple of walks a day. We would be perfect/furfect companions because my life and work is such that my potential dog will never have to be left alone. My other dog was with me and my children all the time for six years. I really miss him. He was a Tri, like the one in the picture, but I am open to whatever Sheltie needs love, stability, a mistress who will spoil him and a good home…


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