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Lady Violette

The Romantic Lifestyle

Stephane Kelian’s Contemporary Wine Suede Parisian Peep Toe Pumps Inspired by 40’s Vintage Film Heroines

August 15th, 2011 by violette

Stephane Kelian's Parisian Peep Toe Beauty!

Here is a beautiful wine suede peep toe pump by contemporary Parisian designer Stephane Kelian. Every bit as elegant as any Hollywood movie star’s shoes from the 1940’s.

Exquisite & Unusual Design & Coloring Undoubtedly Inspired by Vintage Sensibilitie!

The lining and the trim on the toes is a bronze metallic leather making an unexpected and sophisticated  combination of colors. Perfect pumps to wear with vintage or modern clothing.

Shoe Shapes Inspire Abstract Sculptural Interpretations ...

These shoes have lovely lines that accentuate the curve of the foot in the most subtle ways and beg to be photographed as art pieces and displayed as sculpture when not being worn.

Classic Profiles!

Something this lovely begs to be looked at all the time! When not being worn, I display my favorite shoes as art pieces throughout my house so I can enjoy them more often.

Conversation Pieces!

Worn or displayed as fine art people love shoes. Just seeing them, appreciating them and talking about them opens up the most interesting interactions. Beautiful shoes inspire people!

Photographs by Fredric Lehrman. Styled by Violette de Courcy. Shoes from The Lady Violette Shoe Collection.


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