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Lady Violette

The Romantic Lifestyle

Baaharaji, the Knitting Guru, and His Knitting Assistant Friends

February 26th, 2011 by violette

Baaharaji & Knitting Assistant Friends

Baaharaji is hard and work knitting socks and has two assistants to help him. They are Measuring Sheep who conveniently sports a pull out tape measure in his tail, and Knitting Mama Sheep who knits miniature articles for small dolls on tiny toothpick needles while keeping track of a good sharp pair of embroidery scissors attached to a long black ribbon.

Baaha, as we call him for short, has just completed a sample sock as a test pattern. It turned out really well. Now we are ready to make one human sized!

Baaha is wearing one of his hand knitted Rasta Style hats today. This one is also a sample pattern which is now ready to be made up in a human size as well.

Measuring Sheep is a valuable  member of my knitting team now as he is responsible for taking accurate  measurements of all projects.

Knitting Mama Sheep is always knitting and she makes sure our scissors can be found at all times. She cleverly tied them to a six foot long piece of ribbon and herself so they cannot be carried further away from a knitting project than that! What a good idea!


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